“Differentiate to Elevate, Assess for Success”
The 2nd Educational Conference held at the Thomas Jefferson Institute Santa Monica campus brought together more than 300 teachers from TAE, ITJ Zona Esmeralda and Santa Monica, with the aim of promoting the exchange of practices teachers of high academic impactand encourage the creation of collaborative networks among education professionals. The central theme of this event was “Differentiate to Elevate, Assess for Success”,highlighting the importance of adapting teaching strategies to meet the individual needs of students and effective assessment as a means of measuring progress.
The opening talk, given by Halaken, highlighted the urgency of considering neurodivergence in the educational field, underlining the importance of putting it at the center of academic work the openness towards new ways of learning and teaching, which include all students, regardless of their cognitive differences.

One of the highlights of this great event was the active participation of the teachers themselves as workshop leaders. Through various workshops, they shared teaching tools and innovative strategies for continuous improvement in teaching. This promoted an open approach towards more creative and effective pedagogical methods, thus fostering the professional growth of teachers and ultimately improving the quality of education.
Through 30 workshops with a wide range of topics such as Theatre, Psychomotricity, Gamification, Inclusion, Digital Manufacturing, among others... the teachers were able to update their knowledge to begin applying it from this new cycle 23-24, which we are sure will have in the base a teaching practice based on amazing, inclusive and high-level academic learning.
In short, this event was a valuable platform for collaboration and learning among educators committed to academic excellence and inclusion.