Our value proposition combines a comprehensive education that develops values, virtues and sustainability, with personalized learning and innovative technologies. We promote emotional development, digital skills and PBL. We have certified teachers, international alliances and Cambridge certifications.
In addition, our campus offers a safe, innovative environment designed for the comprehensive learning of our students. State-of-the-art facilities, spacious and equipped classrooms, green spaces, certified laboratories and recreational areas create an environment where each student can develop their maximum potential.
Academic Achievement
– Comprehensive education: Solid academic curriculum from preschool to high school, designed to develop critical and analytical skills and encourage creativity and innovation, preparing students for the challenges of the future.
– Technology: We integrate advanced technological tools in the classroom, such as digital platforms and innovative educational resources, to enrich the learning process and prepare students for an increasingly digital world.
– Bilingüismo: Adoptamos un enfoque educativo bilingüe que permite a los estudiantes dominar inglés y español, preparándolos para un entorno globalizado y multicultural.
-Ambiente multicultural: Promovemos un entorno diverso e inclusivo, donde los estudiantes interactúan con compañeros de diferentes orígenes y culturas, enriqueciendo su experiencia educativa.
-Oportunidades de Aprendizaje Internacional (ILOS): Como parte de la red ISP, brindamos a nuestros estudiantes oportunidades para aprender fuera del aula y conectarse con compañeros de todo el mundo, ampliando su perspectiva global y su desarrollo académico.
-Safe Happy Learning: Nuestro enfoque se centra en el bienestar integral de los estudiantes, creando un ambiente seguro y estimulante donde pueden aprender, crecer y ser felices.
-Programas extracurriculares: Ofrecemos una amplia gama de actividades extracurriculares que complementan la educación formal, incluyendo deportes, artes, música y actividades culturales, promoviendo el desarrollo integral y ayudando a los estudiantes a descubrir y cultivar sus talentos.
-Orientación académica y vocacional: Brindamos orientación personalizada para ayudar a los estudiantes a identificar sus intereses, fortalecer sus habilidades y prepararse para la educación superior y su futuro profesional.
-Valores y educación emocional: Fomentamos valores como la excelencia, resiliencia, respeto, responsabilidad, empatía y honestidad, junto con un enfoque en la educación emocional, para formar no solo estudiantes competentes, sino también ciudadanos conscientes, empáticos y solidarios.
After School
The After School program at ITJ Zona Esmeralda complements the comprehensive development of our students through sports and artistic activities, enriching their learning. Among the activities available, we offer initiation to dance, ballet (all levels), Dance Team Kids, Drama Club, Visual Arts, soccer, women's soccer, basketball, volleyball, taekwondo, billet flag, Lego Education, chess and Business Kids.
Safeguarding and inclusion
At ITJ Zona Esmeralda we promote a safe environment, where students are and feel protected, happy and with the confidence to ask for help in the event of any risk.
KiVa is a prestigious Finnish program that prevents and combats bullying, achieving a positive impact on student coexistence and well-being.
All our campuses have cutting-edge facilities, equipped with cutting-edge technology, designed to stimulate students, encourage their creativity and enrich their learning process.