ITJ Difference
ITJ Statement
- Instituto Thomas Jefferson is an international school that enables all students to develop as amazing learners and leaders.
- We are critical thinkers and risk takers, who persevere to achieve our goals.
- We always act with integrity and we communicate respectfully while working together as caring, global citizens.


Outstanding quality that makes people or things worthy of singular appreciation or esteem. We understand by "academic excellence" the outstanding quality of the ideas, principles and actions of both teachers and students, as well as having an attitude of continuous improvement in all aspects of their lives.

Has the emotional resources to successfully overcome the adversities that come their way, learning from these adversaries and transforming them into positive life experiences. They have a high sense of commitment and are open to changes in life.

Recognizing and valuing many ways of speaking, being, and thinking of those different than myself, acting according to my well-being, that of others, and of everything that surrounds me, taking into account the feelings, thoughts and behaviors of themselves and those of others. the rest.

Responsibility is the ability to accept my actions and their potential consequences, taking charge of tasks in the time and manner indicated, as well as acting effectively and in a timely manner in the different areas: personal, social, family, school and environmental.

Emotion researchers define empathy as the ability to perceive other people's emotions, along with the ability to imagine what another person may be thinking or feeling.

Speak and act truthfully at all times, accepting the positive or negative consequences that this may have.
From September 2012, the revised Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework details the rules and requirements governing all early years provisions.
All children deserve the best possible start in life and support enables them to achieve their potential. Children develop rapidly in the early years and a child's experiences between birth and age five have a huge impact on their future life chances. A safe, secure and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high-quality early learning provide the foundation children need to make the most of their skills and talents as they grow.
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?
Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which is the way the government and early childhood professionals describe the time in your child's life between birth and age 5.
This is a very important stage as it helps your child prepare for school and prepares them for future learning and success. From birth to age 5, their early years experience should be happy, active, exciting, fun and safe; and support their development, care and learning needs.
Nurseries, preschools, reception classes and childminders registered to deliver the EYFS must follow a legal document called the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
What is the EYFS Framework? Why do we have one?
The EYFS Framework exists to support all professionals working in the EYFS to support your child. Establishes:
● The legal welfare requirements that all registered childminders must follow to keep your child safe and promote their wellbeing.
● The 7 Areas of Learning and Development that guide professionals' commitment to your child's play and activities as they learn new skills and knowledge
● Assessments that will tell you about your child's progress through the EYFS
● Expected levels your child should achieve by age 5, usually at the end of the reception year; These expectations are called “Early Learning Goals (ELG).”
If you would like to find out more about the EYFS, please speak to a member of staff or follow the online link. A printed copy is available to view in clubs.
The Thomas Jefferson Institute Campus Zona Esmeralda has international accreditation NEASC (New England Association of Schools and College). This accreditation guarantees the quality of the education we provide and makes us an internationally recognized school.
Cambridge Assessment International Education prepares students for life, nurturing their natural curiosity and passion for learning now and in the future. We are part of Cambridge Assessment, a department of the University of Cambridge.
We work closely with principals, teachers and universities to create curricula designed to develop confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and committed people.
Our programs are a top-level benchmark in international education, and our degrees are recognized by the best universities and companies in the world. Currently, almost one million students enrolled in 10,000 schools in 160 countries are preparing for the future with an international Cambridge education.
Our programs and qualifications
Our programs and qualifications, backed by extensive international recognition, cover primary to secondary and university preparation, and are considered an excellent foundation for university, the world of work and life.
Where we are
Our learning community is made up of more than 10,000 educational centers in 160 countries. We have offices in different parts of the world to support centers that offer Cambridge programs.
Support for teachers
We have a wide range of educational resources and offer training to help teachers develop the knowledge and skills they need to teach our programs with guarantees.
Our flagship programme, Jolly Phonics, teaches children to read and write using synthetic phonics, which is widely recognized as the most effective way to teach children to read and write in English. That was more than 25 years ago. Since then, our immense progress has been studied in numerous research projects, the results of which led to phonics becoming a central element of the UK curriculum. Today, they are now used in over 100 countries around the world. As the leading and most experienced publisher of synthetic phonics, we offer a 7-year school program that teaches not only phonics, but also spelling, punctuation and grammar.
● Systematic teaching of phonics, grammar, spelling and punctuation throughout the school years.
● Teaching is multisensory and active, with fun actions, stories and songs.
● Independent research supports the outstanding results achieved around the world with the program.
● Continue to review and expand children's phonic knowledge.
● Flexible and easy to implement in your school
● Developed by teachers for teachers
How Jolly Phonics works
Jolly Phonics is a comprehensive programme, based on the proven, fun and multi-sensory synthetic phonics method that gets children reading and writing from an early age. This means we teach letter sounds instead of the alphabet. These 42 letter sounds are phonic building blocks that children, with the right tools, use to decode the English language. When reading a word, they recognize the letters and mix the respective sounds; When writing a word, they identify the sounds and write down the corresponding letters. These skills are called blending and segmenting. These are two of the five skills children need to master phonics:
1. Learning Letter Sounds: Children are taught 42 letter sounds, which is a combination of alphabet sounds (1 sound – 1 letter) and digraphs (1 sound – 2 letters) such as sh, th, ai and eu. Using a multi-sensory approach, each letter sound is presented with fun actions, stories and songs. We teach letter sounds in 7 groups of 6 letters at a rate of 4-5 sounds per week. Children can begin reading after they have been taught the first set of letters and should have been introduced to the 42 letter sounds after 9 weeks in school.
2. Learning Letter Formation: This is taught along with introducing the sound of each letter. Children will usually learn how to form and write letters over the course of the lesson.
3. Blending: Once the first letter sounds are learned, children begin blending sounds to help them read and write new words.
4. Segmentation: When children begin to read words, they must also begin to identify the phonic components that make the word sound the way it does. By teaching blending and segmenting at the same time, children become familiar with assembling and breaking down sounds within words.
5. Complicated words These are words with irregular parts, like 'who' and 'I'. Children learn these as exceptions to the rules of phonics. Introducing common trick words early in the year increases reading fluency (as they occur frequently in the first few simple sentences they are expected to read).
Along with these skills, children are also introduced to the primary alternative spellings of vowels. These five skills form the foundation that children build upon with each year of grammar instruction.
It is for teachers, it has all the academic content by grade, they have all the mathematics resources. From PF to 6°.
All White Rose Maths materials and training are created by specialist mathematics teachers, and are continually developed in response to national requirements and the many schools, parents, carers and pupils who use them. The result? Excellent award-winning products that make a big difference for everyone
Mathseeds is the award-winning online math program for children ages 3–9. Your child can enjoy fun, interactive, and rewarding lessons that teach fundamental math and problem-solving skills while fostering an early love of math.
Mathseeds combines structured individual lessons and highly motivating elements that keep children interested and eager to continue learning and improving their skills.
Better knowledge, better decisions, better results.
MAP Growth, part of NWEA's growth activation solution, is the most reliable and innovative assessment for measuring achievement and growth in K-12 math, reading, language use, and science. Provides teachers with accurate, actionable evidence to help inform instructional strategies, regardless of how far students are above or below grade level. It also connects to the largest set of instructional content providers, giving educators flexibility in curriculum options.
By using MAP GROWTH as part of a comprehensive, balanced assessment plan, teachers can confidently adapt instruction to challenge each student, whether they are below, at, or above grade level.
MAP Growth student reports also present realistic learning objectives by subject area so that, through teacher guidance, students can individually see their progress and be inspired to take charge of their own learning.
It has English content, science and mathematics, at the beginning of the year they do an evaluation at the beginning of the year. 2nd – 6th
Century is a multi-award-winning, artificial intelligence-based teaching-learning platform. Its users are schools, students and universities. The platform uses artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and pedagogy to create continually adaptive pathways for students and impact assessments for teachers.
This platform has been developed by an award-winning team of experienced teachers, neuroscientists and technologists.
It combines the latest research in learning sciences, artificial intelligence and neuroscience to ensure CENTURY is supported by evidence-based scientific and pedagogical techniques.
ITJ High School, we enhance the skills of our students through a quality program that combines the ITJ – UNAM – IB programs, allowing them to have a high academic level which opens the doors to the best universities in Mexico and the world.
Prepara a los estudiantes para participar eficazmente en una sociedad cada vez más globalizada y que evoluciona rápidamente.
Los alumnos se desarrollan física, intelectual, emocional y éticamente
What is PD?
Several studies indicate that there are numerous advantages to choosing PD. The program aims to train students who achieve excellent breadth and depth in their knowledge, while growing physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically.
A future-ready program that develops students' inquisitive mindsets, fosters their desire to learn, and prepares them to excel in their careers and lead meaningful lives.
The Diploma Program (DP) curriculum is made up of six subject groups and the DP core, which includes Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) and the Extended Essay.
Through the core Diploma Program (DP), students reflect on the nature of knowledge, conduct independent research, and undertake a project that often involves community service.
Group IIEnglish B at higher level
Group IVBiology and Physics at intermediate level
Group VIVisual Arts and IB Home French
● English
● Science
● Maths – It is not a Cambridge curriculum but it is taught in English
● My environment – It is part of the SEP curriculum, the book is in Spanish but is given in English
● Digital literacy
● Global perspectives: tools for projects Subjects in Spanish
● Civic and ethical training
● PE
● Music
● Computing
● Art
2° ElementarySubjects in English
● English
● Science
● Maths – is not a Cambridge curriculum but is taught in English
● My environment – It is part of the SEP curriculum, the book is in Spanish but is given in English
● Digital literacy
● Global perspectives – Tools for projects
Subjects in Spanish
● Civic and ethical training
● PE
● Music
● Computing
● Art
● English
● Science
● Maths – It is not a Cambridge curriculum but it is taught in English
● My Entity – It is part of the SEP curriculum, the book is in Spanish, but it is given in English
● Digital literacy
● Global perspectives – Tools for projects Subjects in Spanish
● Civic and ethical training
● PE
● Music
● Computing
● Art
4°, 5° y 6° Elementary
Subjects in English ● Geography
Subjects in Spanish ● History
ITJ Essence

IB Model
Take your education to another international level!

Entrepreneurship programme that allows young people to create and start their own business from scratch.

A programme developing social and problem solving skills and recognition of emotions.

Programme cultivates environmental knowledge and invites students to become leaders, promoting real world solutions through various activities.
International Learning Opportunities for Students (ILOS)
We are part of the International Schools Partnership (ISP), an international group with more than 40 schools around the world, which guarantees a network of international connections and ensures learning with world standards.
Being a part of ISP also offers our high school students opportunities for learning and collaboration, such as the ISP Model United Nations and the Buddy Exchange Program.