One of our main objectives is to develop in our students the basis of entrepreneurship. After School Program, offers an area dedicated specifically to promote activities that encourage the development of these skills.
An entrepreneurial student is able to recognize his or her talents and areas of opportunity to work on them and thus be able to develop a broader perspective that will help him or her improve his or her process of analysis and problem solving.

En ITJ Zona Esmeralda, nuestro Programa de Actividades Extraescolares – After School ofrece a los alumnos un espacio para seguir creciendo y desarrollándose a través del deporte y las artes, más allá del horario escolar.
El objetivo de After School es complementar el aprendizaje y fortalecer valores como la disciplina, el trabajo en equipo y la perseverancia. A través de actividades deportivas, buscamos fomentar un estilo de vida activo, promover el bienestar físico y emocional, y reforzar la confianza y el sentido de comunidad.
Contamos con diversas disciplinas que permiten a los estudiantes explorar sus talentos y encontrar su pasión, mientras se divierten y aprenden importantes lecciones de vida. En After School, cada esfuerzo cuenta y cada logro es motivo de celebración.
Our cultural activities develop students' creative and artistic skills in order to create an awareness of culture and art at ITJ ZE. Each activity provides the necessary technical tools so that the student, through them, can create and explore the world through different forms of expression.
We form integral students who work as a team, learn what discipline and responsibility are, who develop sensitivity towards their surroundings, are able to find solutions in a creative way, develop both intellectually and physically and most importantly, forge their identity.