ITJ Difference

ITJ Difference

ITJ Statement



Outstanding quality that makes people or things worthy of singular appreciation or esteem. We understand by "academic excellence" the outstanding quality of the ideas, principles and actions of both teachers and students, as well as having an attitude of continuous improvement in all aspects of their lives.


Has the emotional resources to successfully overcome the adversities that come their way, learning from these adversaries and transforming them into positive life experiences. They have a high sense of commitment and are open to changes in life.


Recognizing and valuing many ways of speaking, being, and thinking of those different than myself, acting according to my well-being, that of others, and of everything that surrounds me, taking into account the feelings, thoughts and behaviors of themselves and those of others. the rest.


Responsibility is the ability to accept my actions and their potential consequences, taking charge of tasks in the time and manner indicated, as well as acting effectively and in a timely manner in the different areas: personal, social, family, school and environmental.


Emotion researchers define empathy as the ability to perceive other people's emotions, along with the ability to imagine what another person may be thinking or feeling.


Speak and act truthfully at all times, accepting the positive or negative consequences that this may have.


ITJ Essence

IB Model

Take your education to another international level!


Entrepreneurship programme that allows young people to create and start their own business from scratch.


A programme developing social and problem solving skills and recognition of emotions.


Programme cultivates environmental knowledge and invites students to become leaders, promoting real world solutions through various activities.

International Learning Opportunities for Students (ILOS)

We are part of the International Schools Partnership (ISP), an international group with more than 40 schools around the world, which guarantees a network of international connections and ensures learning with world standards.

Being a part of ISP also offers our high school students opportunities for learning and collaboration, such as the ISP Model United Nations and the Buddy Exchange Program.

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