Why ITJ?


At the Thomas Jefferson Campus Guadalajara - Palomar Institute, we know that each student is unique in terms of their abilities and talents, so we seek to develop them in a personalized way to provide them with a future full of success.

From writers, doctors, fashion stars and consolidated engineers, among many more, they agree on the experience they obtained from their training at Instituto Thomas Jefferson Campus Guadalajara - Palomar: the institution gave them space, time and creativity to develop an individual vision of the future, and thus use their knowledge along with critical thinking, to change the world.


Academic Achievement

– Comprehensive education: Solid academic curriculum from preschool to high school, designed to develop critical and analytical skills and encourage creativity and innovation, preparing students for the challenges of the future.

– Technology: We integrate advanced technological tools in the classroom, such as digital platforms and innovative educational resources, to enrich the learning process and prepare students for an increasingly digital world.


– Bilingüismo: Adoptamos un enfoque educativo bilingüe que permite a los estudiantes dominar inglés y español, preparándolos para un entorno globalizado y multicultural.

-Ambiente multicultural: Promovemos un entorno diverso e inclusivo, donde los estudiantes interactúan con compañeros de diferentes orígenes y culturas, enriqueciendo su experiencia educativa.

-Oportunidades de Aprendizaje Internacional (ILOS): Como parte de la red ISP, brindamos a nuestros estudiantes oportunidades para aprender fuera del aula y conectarse con compañeros de todo el mundo, ampliando su perspectiva global y su desarrollo académico.


-Safe Happy Learning: Nuestro enfoque se centra en el bienestar integral de los estudiantes, creando un ambiente seguro y estimulante donde pueden aprender, crecer y ser felices.

-Programas extracurriculares: Ofrecemos una amplia gama de actividades extracurriculares que complementan la educación formal, incluyendo deportes, artes, música y actividades culturales, promoviendo el desarrollo integral y ayudando a los estudiantes a descubrir y cultivar sus talentos.

-Orientación académica y vocacional: Brindamos orientación personalizada para ayudar a los estudiantes a identificar sus intereses, fortalecer sus habilidades y prepararse para la educación superior y su futuro profesional.

-Valores y educación emocional: Fomentamos valores como el respeto, la responsabilidad y la colaboración, junto con un enfoque en la educación emocional, para formar no solo estudiantes competentes, sino también ciudadanos conscientes, empáticos y solidarios.


After School

At ITJ Palomar we believe that promoting physical and mental activity goes hand in hand with academic excellence. This is why, in addition to having our workshops of different cultural and sports activities within school hours, we offer additional courses in our After program School. This special program opens the doors to our students to compete in different prestigious local and national tournaments. 

Support Services

Our Special Services department is dedicated to providing personalized attention to each student with additional needs. Each case is examined in a personalized way through an evaluation and an interview, these will determine if the student can be integrated into the standard curriculum or if they require additional assistance from a monitor.

International Students Services

At ITJ-Palomar, we are proud to offer dedicated support to our international community through our International Student Services Department. With experience in international customer service, our team is committed to ensuring that our international families receive personalized and comprehensive assistance in several key areas.

Gifted & Talented

For more than 10 years the ITJ has had a program based on the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth. The “Gifted & Talented” program seeks to reach our entire community that shows high abilities and also provide them with personalized attention. High ability is present in various areas, discover your children's talents!


At the Thomas Jefferson Institute, we are committed to the integral development of our students, providing them with the tools that encourage creativity and prepare them to be citizens of the future. Our school currently consists of 51 general classrooms, and includes Preschool, Elementary, Middle and the High School sections. Each classroom is equipped with projectors, speakers, and Smartboards that produce an interactive learning experience.

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